Monkey Monte
Stop monkeying around and play Monkey Monte! Get ready to go ape with this clever monte game of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil monkeys. Three players are dressed in monkey hats and given matching color monkeys. Each player also wears a special banana bag around their neck with a possible prize inside. The monkeys are placed inside black velvet bags and mixed among the players while the host's back is turned. If the host can match up the colored monkeys hidden in the bags with the correct color hats the host wins a prize. But if the players fool the host and make him a monkey's uncle then all the helpers win. Guess what, due to a little magic the host is able to match up all the correct colors and decides to give everyone their prize. Monkey Monte is fun, funny, and offers a great message about the power we all have to control our tongue. Comes with gospel application making this perfect for children's ministry. Monkey Monte is also perfect for adult motivation toward encouragement in the work place. You receive everything: monkeys, hats, gimmicked bags, zippered bananas, prize candy ideas, complete soundtrack with custom music and game show voice-overs by Nathan Roberts, and full instructions including additional ideas for ministry and adult motivation. This is a must for children's performers.