Few have seen the mythical unicorn. Even fewer have seen the unicorn on the cob. But let’s not get distracted by vegetables, let’s catch a unicorn! The Unicorn Attraction Doohickey will bag a unicorn in every show. Two helpers will hold empty UAD bags filled with a touch of the most attractive agent of unicorn capture . . . GLITTER. You will also hold an empty bag and all bags are clipped shut. As you and your helpers play the noisy instruments that call the wild unicorns to the catchers, you are entertaining the audience in a most uni-corny manner. When the noise ends, the catchers are opened. The first helper’s previously empty bag now contains a beautiful silk with rhino picture. The second helper’s empty bag now contains a beautiful unicorn silk. But what about you? Your bag is opened to reveal the rare unicorn ice cream silk... that the audience quickly informs you is actually unicorn POOP!. Lucky you. All this fun and magic is created without harming any actual glitter - or unicorns. Comes with all props including musical instruments. Order today and get your uni on. Color of bags and color/style of instruments will vary.
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